トランプ氏、警官2人に恩赦 ワシントンの黒人男性殺害事件
[ワシントン 22日 ロイター] - トランプ米大統領は22日、黒人男性を殺害したとして2020年に有罪判決を受けた警官2人に恩赦を与えた。
私たちの行動規範:トムソン・ロイター「信頼の原則」, opens new tab
Kanishka Singh is a breaking news reporter for Reuters in Washington DC, who primarily covers US politics and national affairs in his current role. His past breaking news coverage has spanned across a range of topics like the Black Lives Matter movement; the US elections; the 2021 Capitol riots and their follow up probes; the Brexit deal; US-China trade tensions; the NATO withdrawal from Afghanistan; the COVID-19 pandemic; and a 2019 Supreme Court verdict on a religious dispute site in his native India.