
トランプ次期米大統領は7日、ウクライナがNATO(北大西洋条約機構)に加盟すべきではないとするロシアの立場に理解を示し、大統領就任前にロシアのプーチン大統領と会えないことを残念に思うと述べた。写真は2024年12月、ウクライナ南東部ザポロジエで撮影(2025年 ロイター/Stringer)

[ワシントン 7日 ロイター] - トランプ次期米大統領は7日、ウクライナがNATO(北大西洋条約機構)に加盟すべきではないとするロシアの立場に理解を示し、大統領就任前にロシアのプーチン大統領と会えないことを残念に思うと述べた。






私たちの行動規範:トムソン・ロイター「信頼の原則」, opens new tab

Washington-based correspondent covering campaigns and Congress. Previously posted in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Santiago, Chile, and has reported extensively throughout Latin America. Co-winner of the 2021 Reuters Journalist of the Year Award in the business coverage category for a series on corruption and fraud in the oil industry. He was born in Massachusetts and graduated from Harvard College.

London-based reporter covering the European retail sector through a global lens. Focusing on companies including Adidas, H&M, Ikea, and Inditex and analysing corporate strategy, consumer trends, and regulatory changes, Helen also covers major supermarket groups like Ahold Delhaize, Carrefour, and Casino. She has a special interest in sustainability and how investors push for change in companies. Previously based in Johannesburg where she covered the mining industry.
