[ブリュッセル 9日 ロイター] - 欧州連合(EU)の気象情報機関「コペルニクス気候変動サービス(C3S)」は9日、2024年は昨年を抜いて世界で観測史上最も暑い年となり、異常な高温は来年初めも数カ月間続くとの予想を発表した。
私たちの行動規範:トムソン・ロイター「信頼の原則」, opens new tab
Kate Abnett covers EU climate and energy policy in Brussels, reporting on Europe’s green transition and how climate change is affecting people and ecosystems across the EU. Other areas of coverage include international climate diplomacy. Before joining Reuters, Kate covered emissions and energy markets for Argus Media in London. She is part of the teams whose reporting on Europe’s energy crisis won two Reuters journalist of the year awards in 2022.
Ali Withers leads global visuals climate coverage for Reuters. Based in Copenhagen, her reporting spans climate science, global climate policy, impacts of extreme weather and adaptation. Before joining Reuters, Ali was a video journalist at NBC News and Bloomberg in New York.