イスラエル国連大使、フーシ派に警告 「攻撃続行ならハマスと同じ運命」
[30日 ロイター] - イスラエルのダノン国連大使は30日、国連安全保障理事会で、イエメンの親イラン武装組織フーシ派武装勢力に対しイスラエルへのミサイル攻撃を止めるよう警告した。
私たちの行動規範:トムソン・ロイター「信頼の原則」, opens new tab
Daphne Psaledakis is a foreign policy correspondent based in Washington, D.C., where she covers U.S. sanctions, Africa and the State Department. She has covered the rollout of U.S. sanctions on Russia after Moscow’s invasion of Ukraine, Washington’s efforts to enforce its sanctions and the U.S. response to the conflict in Ethiopia, among other issues. She previously covered European Union politics and energy and climate policy for Reuters in Brussels as part of an Overseas Press Club Foundation fellowship in 2019. Daphne holds a Bachelor of Journalism in Print and Digital News and a Bachelor of Arts in International Studies.